Flamerobin 0.9.13 Snapshot released with a few features and fixes . The post Flamerobin 0.9.13 Snapshot released with a few features and fixes . appeared first on Firebird News.
ReSharper 2024.3 disponible : Prise en charge complète des fonctionnalités de C# 13, amélioration du nettoyage et du formatage de code, et bien plusReSharper 2024.3 introduit une prise en charge complète des fonctionnalités de C# 13, notamment les...
Microsoft annonce .NET 9 et apporte des améliorations radicales à l'ensemble de la pile .NET, qu'il s'agisse des langages de programmation, des outils de développement ou des charges de travailMicrosoft annonce le lancement de .NET 9, la version la...
F# 9 est disponible avec des améliorations pour rendre les programmes plus sûrs, plus résistants et plus performants, notamment les types de référence annulables et la mise à jour de la bibliothèque standard.Voici la présentation des principaux...
Jaybird 6.0.0-beta-1 is now available for testing. You can download the distribution zip from Jaybird 6.0.0-beta-1 (GitHub). IMPORTANT This version is provided for testing purposes only. We’d appreciate your feedback, but we’d like to...
After more than two decades of operation from Australia, the Firebird Foundation is excited to announce a major transformation. A new organization of the same name has been established, now operating from the Czech Republic, within the European...
A new version is available. Visit our homepage and download the demo version. https://fbm.gksoft.ch The post Real-time Firebird - Monitor for Firebird - Server 2.5 / 3.0 / 4.0 / 5.0 appeared first on Firebird News.
We are happy to announce the release of Jaybird 5.0.6. The following has been fixed since Jaybird 5.0.5: Fixed: Exceptions during statement execution did not always complete the statement, which could delay transaction commit in auto-commit mode...
The 21st Firebird Developers Day concluded today with a special lecture by Dmitry Yemanov on the topic “Understanding the Optimizer Plans.” For the first time, participants heard Dmitry speaking Portuguese :-), thanks to the help of...
Today is the first day of the 21st Firebird Developers Day. This year, the Brazilian conference will be streamed on-line to all the registered attendees. All the attendees already received (by email) the necessary information to access the online...
Microsoft annonce la version stable de la bibliothèque officielle OpenAI pour .NET, afin de permettre aux développeurs d'intégrer des services Azure OpenAI de modèles d'IA avancés dans leurs applications .NETMicrosoft a lancé en juin dernier la...
Se você fala português, não está no Brasil, e gostaria de participar do 21º Firebird Developers Day, que será realizado on-line de 7 a 11 de outubro, temos um link exclusivo para você se inscrever! Será uma palestra por noite, iniciando às 20h (GMT...
EmberWings is a quarterly, free PDF magazine about Firebird. In addition to technical articles, guides, and tips, it features interviews with noteworthy individuals, updates on Firebird's development, community news, reviews of interesting products, ...
JetBrains ouvre le programme d'accès anticipé (EAP) à ReSharper 2024.3 La première mise à jour majeure de l'année pour son extension Visual Studio pour les développeurs .NETC'est au mois d'août qu'est sortie la dernière mise à jour majeure de...
JetBrains lance le programme d'accès anticipé (EAP) à Rider 2024.3 La troisième mise à jour majeure de l'année de son EDI .NET multiplateformeLa dernière mise à majeure de Rider, l'EDI .NET multiplateforme de JetBrains, a été publiée au mois...
Firebird Project is glad to announce the general availability of Firebird ODBC driver version 3.0. New driver is build on top the new Firebird client API, and can work with Firebird clients from versions 3.0, 4.0, and 5.0. Download new driver...
Sorry, this is only for Portuguese speakers… No dia 26/setembro (quinta-feira) às 10h (GMT-3 – horário de Brasília) estaremos realizando o Esquenta FDD, com a apresentação de 2 estudos de caso de sucesso envolvendo o Firebird. O Esquenta ...
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